
Tightwad Tuesday Tightwad Tess



I found this cute and very useful tightwad resource and wanted to pass it on.

Tightwad Tess web page: http://www.tightwadtess.com/  

Tightwad Tess Blog: http://tightwadtess.blogspot.com/


  1. Very neat site! I liked the "magazine bows," will have to give that one a try!

    Have a blessed week!


    Lori (aka Plans4You)

  2. Hi there. Thank you for a neat link. [0= Also thank you for checking in on me. Today was a blaw day. I slept in b/c I was really tired and if I don't get on in the morning it gets harder to get on later in the day. There seems to be a bit more grumpiness around the house right now. Makes it hard. Still trying to get things to be more than the basics. I haven't had the time to really get things pre organised to be prepared. Hope that will change soon.

    Blessings and ((HUGS)) my very SSiC

    In Him<><



Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalms 143:8