
What is It?

UPDATE: Its a Lumbriculus variegatus http://www.eeob.iastate.edu/faculty/DrewesC/htdocs/Lvgen4.htm
This took some work but we found it! Very cool critter! Plan to catch another and experiment with this regeneration thing it does. Those are not legs but hairs ( they were muddy!)
Anybody got a clue? We have looked at aquatic worms and leeches and still no match. This thing has legs like a centipead, moves quickly, has pincher like things in the front and a pointy tail ( we accidently cut that off..opps. It still lived without it) It showed aggressive behavior. We found it under a large rock about a foot into the river. It had eaten an oyster out of its shell. This is a very polluted river. Had the wrong camera with me for close ups so this is a bad photo. Went back the next day to find another and take a proper photo but the river was high.

We had a great day of exploration. Dear daughter did not intend to get into the water ( its yucky). But once your feet are muddy, why not?!

An old bridge is being replaced on the river. It has been a great learning experience to watch the progress. Here the pilings are being driven in. Its very noisy and it disturbs the water greatly. Even where we were on the shore the water was stirred up.

Lots of tugs on the river. Folks actually live on them. Its a way of life.
We took some water samples home.
Hands on school is the best!
Jelly Fish. The water was too murky to get a clear photo. They are pretty in the water but oh so painful.
This boaters park by the river has provided many science lessons over the years. I like that it is close to my house and easy to access. What I do not like is the the river is so polluted. Industry is big on this branch of the river and has been for a very long time. Cleanup is an ongoing pursuit. The Elizabeth River Project http://www.elizabethriver.org/ has been doing restoration projects for years.
Well the rain has come this week so our outdoor classroom will again have changed! Looking forward to getting out there to discover more.


  1. I have no clue. Very interesting though! So sad that the river is so dirty.

  2. Cool that you found out what it is. You will definitely have to educate us on this creature. I didn't know people lived on tug boats. Are they that big?

    Blessings and ((HUGS))


Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalms 143:8