
I Have been Productive

Not much time to blog these days! I do plan a post on Christmas...sometime! This is what is keeping me happy and motivated.
The dog chewed the handle of my favorite sissors....good thing I love him!
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Those that have been with me on blogger since the beginning know I started a Catherdral Window Quilt for my oldest daughter when she was 14 with the promise to have it done by the time she was 16. Well she is 18!. Life happened. But I am not going to forget the quilt. With new motivation I will finish it this year. It takes about 1000 hours of work to complete this quilt. Add life in there and well it could be a lifetime. The goal is to have it under the tree for this coming Christmas.


  1. Good for you! Keep at it. It's going to be amazing!

  2. Looks like you are getting a lot done. I hope you get it all done soon. And of course, share a picture with us. :)

  3. I'll have to look up that quilt so I can see what you're planning...you're right, life happens! The main thing is that you have a plan, and you're taking a step towards the goal. She will love it whenever you give it to her!

    Blessings and {{{HUGS}}},


Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalms 143:8