
Click 365: Peturday

Those Freckles and Wrinkles get me every time. What is not love?

They say cats choose their human. That is so true of Fudge. From birth she owned Emily. Here she is greeting her after she had been gone all day. Prior to the kiss she is quite vocal.

Roll call. When the cats were kittens and we had to leave the house we did Roll Call to make sure no one was locked in a room. To this day if I shake the treat jar they come running...even the dog. They all do tricks for their treats. The dog has to wait till all the cats get a trick and treat and then he gets a treat.


  1. They are such happy pets. You can tell.

  2. My kids would love your house with all those pets around. :) We have one cat and she knows the sound of the treat bag...even where we keep it! :)


Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalms 143:8