
Click 365: Signs if Spring

It was suppose to be 50 degrees today. I am pretty sure it never got close to that. I went out to work in the garden anyway. Its time! Things are popping in spite of the cold.
This is blurry ( cause the wind was blowing). These are my roses starting to bud leaves.

 And this is the Hydranga Bush doing the same. Amazing.
And this has nothing to do with Spring...he is just cute.


  1. He is cute! There are no signs of spring here...only snow.

  2. I saw a couple signs of spring here - tulips are coming out of the ground and the Indian Plum is starting to bud. :) So ready!!

  3. No signs of spring here yet. No snow, but our spring doesn't come until around April or May. Glad your's is coming soon. :)

  4. How neat to see among the bits of frosted ground so recently!

  5. Hi Tina! Wow, can't believe you've got buds coming thru already...so nice to see, though! Let's me know that there IS going to be an end to this tough winter that just seems to keep hanging on...and on...and on!

  6. I am looking forward to spring. I am ready to garden.

    Kitty looks cute...content. Is that his tongue? :)


Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalms 143:8